Friday, April 24, 2015

Entry 3: Answering You Guys Questions

So many of you guys have been asking what effect emotions have on your memories and the ability to retrieve them. I looked that up and I found out that emotions play a MAJOR effect on our memories. Thanks to the amygdala,which is located in the temporal lobe of our brains, the emotions that we feel in a certain memory can be recalled very easily. Ther amygdala is the center of emotions, emotional behavior, motivation and survival instincts. I saw an example online that said: For example, if you have ever suffered a dog bite, then the amygdala may help in processing that event and, therefore enhancing your alertness around dogs.
This example proves that the amygdala in our brain helps to store memories of events and emotions so that we can recognize similar events in the future.
So strong memories with feelings of anger have more of an emotional impact because they cause physical symtoms. An example of this biological response when these play out would be a rise in your heart rate or shortness of breath. You are more likely to remember a moment like this because of the response in your body leaves a mark on the memory trace in your brain.
If you have anymore questions feel free to ask!

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