Thursday, April 30, 2015

Interesting Information and Final Blog Entry!

Hello! This is my 5th and final blog post and in this post i will be wrapping up my main 4 causes for forgetting memories.
I have already covered 1 and 2, now its time to cover 3 and 4.
The 3rd main cause for forgetting memories is the "Failure to Store". This theory states that the memory did not make its way to long term memory in the first place. This is what they call an encoding failure. Encoding failures sometimes prevent information from entering long-term memory.
The 4th and final reason for forgetting memories is "Motivated Forgetting". This theory confuses most people because most wonder if a memory can even really be forgotten. It may be repressed or put into a "distant save file in your brain" but its still most likely there.
People usually use motivated forgetting to forget life changing events or disturbing encounters.
My questions!
1. What was your favorite part of the topic you chose?
-My favorite part was just discovering so much about the brain in general. I knew the brain was amazing but not this cool!
Just finding out about how much interesting stuff goes on the brain would have to be the best part.
It was also good to know that theres usually a good reason behind us humans forgetting memories!
2. What was your least favorite part of the topic you chose?
-Honestly nothing. This project was so insanely fun and intriguing. I loved it so much and wouldn't mind doing it again.
3.What did you like best about Genius Hour research?
-Finding the reason behind why i forget some of the best memories i have ever had.
4. What did you like least about Genius Hour research?
-Making sure that all the research was legit and not made up by an internet troll! I stayed away from other peoples personal blogs as much as i could. Finding out why i forgot about my great-grandpas lost memories and why exactly i forgot them. Now that i know, I have a bit better of an understanding on why they disappeared and served a bit of a justice.
5.What was the most important thing you learned about yourself, how you learn or research in general as a result of this work?
-Well as most people know i have a terrible memory. So learning about what causes all of this relieves me and helps me realize im dont have the worst memory in the world. I don't have the best but there are still others that struggle with bad memory like i do.
Thank you so much for coming with me along this journey!


  1. I don't know of it's just me but finding out the answer to your why question is really satisfying. I enjoyed reading your blog!

  2. i really loved your presentation! I felt as if it was very factual and I learned a lot from it. I also thought the story about your grandfather was very sweet and how it motivated you to do your genius hour over memories.
